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Become a Driver - Earn $30+ per ride.

Become a Driver

You can make a difference in a student’s life today.

Join thousands of drivers
Drivers with ADROIT are changing lives everyday. We depend on our drivers to provide the safest and most reliable transportation services to special education students in Belmont. We speak their language and understand their needs in order to provide the best transportation service possible. If you’ve been thinking about becoming a driver with a professional car service, consider ADROIT where you can change lives while doing something you love.
Why drive with ADROIT? 

Earn $30+ per ride. Make predictable pay. Control your day.

Make a Difference In The Lives of Many Special Education Students

Make a difference in the lives of many Special Education students.

Drive. Earn. Make a difference.

Drive. Earn. Make a difference. Build relationships.

What you’ll need to qualify


  • At least 23 years old

  • Valid in-state license for at least 1 year

  • Access to a 4-door vehicle that is 10 years old or newer

  • Valid in-state auto insurance policy in your name

  • In-state license plates with up-to-date registration

  • Social security number

  • Experience working with children

  • Pass all background checks

Background Checks

  • FBI National Background Check

  • Department of Justice (DOJ)

  • National Sex Offender Registry

  • Alcohol and drug testing

  • Tuberculosis screening

  • Ongoing MVR checks

  • TrustLine registry

  • County courthouse records for every county of residence

  • Federal courthouse records

  • Multi-state criminal database

  • Social Security trace

What our drivers say about driving with ADROIT

Upasna, Mother

Partnering with Adroit has been a great pleasure. I enjoy the flexibility it gives me. As a mother I take pride in making sure the students feel comfortable and safe. This is the level of service I would expect for my own child. This has been the most rewarding work ever. Their customer care team is outstanding.


Shelley, Teacher

As a teacher-assistant and mother of two of my own kids, it goes without saying that their safety and well-being is of utmost importance to me. I apply the same integrity and love to the precious cargo that are my special passengers. Getting kids to and from school on time happily and safely is my specialty. I love my work.

WhatsApp Image 2018-11-30 at 7.45.00 PM.

Mo, Father

Putting a smile on students before they get to their classes is one of my favorite things to do throughout the day. Transporting students with special needs is the best way for me to pay for my son’s college and at the same time do something good for my community.

What are you waiting for?

Not only will you be changing lives for special needs students in Belmont, you’ll have a flexible schedule that you control as well as a predictable paycheck. Spend your day being behind the wheel while also being a positive influence in a child’s life. Start impacting the lives of special education students in your area. If you have any questions about becoming a driver, contact our team. When you’re ready, send us an application and we’ll reach out to you as soon as possible! We can’t wait to add you to our growing family. 


It’s time to start making a difference. Fill out your application below.

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